🏛️ Carceral Contagion
A epidemiological simulation of mass incarceration with a synthetic population network. This project is developed from my initial research and prototype project called Jails by Java: Simulating Racial Disparities in Incarceration Rates and Subsequent Solutions with Object- Oriented Statistical Programming, winner of the MIT INSPIRE Political Science award Dec. 2015 and winner of Social Good Award + 2nd Place Crowd Favorite at Wellesley Hacks 2017.
🌐 Geospatial Routing API
Utilities for developer and data scientists to perform geospatial calculations on large datasets based on road networks.
🫱🏽🫲🏾 Race, Faces, Fairness
“Race, Faces, and Fairness” was my final project for the Spring 2019 course “Proseminar in Audiovisual Machine Learning” at Wesleyan’s Quantitative Analysis Center, taught by Jielu Yao.
I evaluated two commercial gender classification systems - Amazon Rekognition and Sightengine - using the large-scale UTKFace Dataset to ascertain intersectional gender and race disparities in these systems, i.e. if these systems can accurately identify the perceived gender of a labelled Asian, Black, or White face. Our results show that both of these classification systems exhibit bias towards non-white female faces, assigning disproportionately higher male confidence values.
The inspiration for this work includes both my work in using data science to breakdown racial disparities in criminal justice, as well as the work done by the Algorithmic Justice League.
💠 R.E.S.P.
App for first-responders to provide psychological first-aid. Winner of IBM Call for Code @ AngelHack 2019.
🔥 HeatTweets
The first public dataset of fire incidents in NYC, scraped, geocoded, and visualized. Presented at NYC Open Data Week’s “Can Data Start a Movement?” Hackathon in March 2020.
🖌️ Inktobot
An automated Inktober artist that draws icons from the Noun Project API in an ink aesthetic.
🚕 Curbside Chaos
Geospatial visualization of over 30,000 location points to map curbside usage by district based on open-source data sets, for BetaNYC’s Mobility for All Abilities Hackathon in October 2019.
9ef9bb4 @ 2025-02-12