I’m a software developer at IBM in New York, and love tinkering, data wrangling, poetry, and theater-making.

Day-to-day, I execute test automation and aid in tech modernization for the IBM Z mainframe platform.

In the recent past, I’ve stage-managed Really Really Gorgeous at The Tank NYC and worked with Buildly, an open-source cloud migration and build platform.

I graduated from Wesleyan in May β€˜19 with a double major in Computer Science and Theater. At Wesleyan, I was a Patricelli Center Fellow and the Lights and Rigging Liaison of the β€˜92 Theater for the Second Stage Theater Company, as well as a board member of the Shades Theater Collective for students of color.

I have produced 34 shows at Wesleyan from Fall β€˜18 to Spring β€˜19, and have also been a sound, set, and graphic designer. I have acted in, directed, and stage managed shows as well.

Let’s keep in touch!

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